

The Northwest Parkway is a public road that is 100% privately funded. No Federal, State or tax funds were used to build or maintain the road. To ensure operating requirements, service debt, and maintain a high quality level of service and safety for our customers, the Northwest Parkway relies exclusively on the collection of tolls. The applicable tolls and fees for its usage are subject to change in accordance with the Concession Lease Agreement. Both current and pending tolls and fee schedules are displayed below.

The Northwest Parkway is a separately owned and operated businesses from E-470.  Our pricing structures and business rules differ from E-470, however, both the Northwest Parkway and E-470 accept the ExpressToll pass as payment. For information regarding ExpressToll, please visit  If you do not have an ExpressToll account and you drive on both the Northwest Parkway and E-470, you will receive two separate bills in the mail.

CLICK HERE to learn about GO-PASS on Northwest Parkway.

Toll Rates

Current Toll Rates

Base Charge
(2 axles)
Additional Axle Fee
Main Plaza

Effective May 1st, 2024
Additional fees may apply. For complete details, please see our Fee Schedule.

Pending Toll Rates

No pending toll rate changes

Base Charge
(2 axles)
Additional Axle Fee
Main Plaza

Effective June 1st, 2022
Additional fees may apply. For complete details, please see our Fee Schedule.

Fee Schedule


Auto-Bill or ExpressToll
Non Auto-Bill Customers

Processing Fee


$1.00/ transaction

Note: Processing fees do not apply to tolls on active Auto-Bill accounts or ExpressToll accounts

Printing & Mailing Fee*


$0.85/ bill*

Note: Does not apply if bills are emailed

* To avoid mail fees without signing up for Auto-Bill or Express Toll, you can opt in for email billing by creating an online account or calling in. This is also an environmentally friendly option. Mailing fees will not apply to Auto-Bill or Express Toll bills unless mailed billing is requested.

Late Fee


$2.50/ transaction

Note: Applies on Late Bills. (2nd bill sent)

Past Due Fee


$25.00/ transaction

Note: Applies on Past-Due Notices. (3rd bill sent) Last attempt at billing before account is referred to collections.

Collection Fee


$20.00/ account

Note: Applies after account is referred to Collections

Court Fee

$50.00/ court filing

$50.00/ court filing

Note: Applies on each court filing

Returned Check Fee

$12.00/ occurrence

$12.00/ occurrence

Note: Applies if unable to process payment

Chargeback Fee

$30.00/ occurrence

$30.00/ occurrence

Note: Applies if dispute is not valid

Processing Fee


Note: Processing fees do not apply to tolls on active Auto-Bill accounts or ExpressToll accounts

Printing & Mailing Fee*

$0.80/ bill*

Late Fee


Note: Applies on Late Bills. (2nd bill sent)

Past Due Fee


Note: Applies on Past-Due Notices. (3rd bill sent) Last attempt at billing before account is referred to collections.

Collection Fee


Note: Applies after account is referred to Collections

Returned Check Fee

$30.00/ occurrence

Note: Applies if unable to process payment

Court Fee

$50.00/ court filing

Note: Applies on each court filing
Note: Does not apply if bills are emailed
* - To avoid mail fees without signing up for Auto-Bill or Express Toll, you can opt in for email billing by creating an online account or calling in. This is also an environmentally friendly option. Mailing fees will not apply to Auto-Bill or Express Toll bills unless mailed billing is requested.

Processing Fee

$1.00/ transaction

Note: Processing fees do not apply to tolls on active Auto-Bill accounts or ExpressToll accounts

Printing & Mailing Fee*

$0.80/ bill*

Note: Does not apply if bills are emailed
* - To avoid mail fees without signing up for Auto-Bill or Express Toll, you can opt in for email billing by creating an online account or calling in. This is also an environmentally friendly option. Mailing fees will not apply to Auto-Bill or Express Toll bills unless mailed billing is requested.

Late Fee

$2.50/ transaction

Note: Applies on Late Bills. (2nd bill sent)

Past Due Fee

$25.00/ transaction

Note: Applies on Past-Due Notices. (3rd bill sent) Last attempt at billing before account is referred to collections.

Collection Fee

$20.00/ account

Note: Applies after account is referred to Collections

Returned Check Fee

$30.00/ occurrence

Note: Applies if unable to process payment

Court Fee

$50.00/ court filing

Note: Applies on each court filing

Note: Express Toll will include all Northwest Parkway tolls starting the day after you list your license plate on your Express Toll account. If an Auto-Bill or Express Toll account is not in good standing and payments cannot be processed, accounts will automatically revert to "Non Auto-Bill" status and the aforementioned fees and charges will apply until the account condition has been resolved.

Auto-Bill or
ExpressToll Accounts
Non Auto-Bill
Fees / Charges
GO-PASS Auto-Bill or ExpressToll
Processing Fee
Processing fees do not apply to tolls on active Auto-Bill accounts or ExpressToll accounts.
Printing & Mailing Fee*
$0.80/ bill*
Does not apply if bills are emailed.
Late Fee
Applies on Late Bills. (2nd bill sent)
Past Due Fee
Applies on Past-Due Notices. (3rd bill sent) Last attempt at billing before account is reffered to collections.
Collection Fee
Applies after account is referred to Collections.
Returned Check Fee
$30.00/ occurrence
Applies if unable to process payment.
Court Fee
$50.00/ court filing
Applies on each court filing.
GO-PASS Auto-Bill
or ExpressToll
Non Auto-Bill
Processing Fee
Processing fees do not apply to tolls on active Auto-Bill accounts or ExpressToll accounts.
Printing & Mailing Fee*
Does not apply if bills are emailed.
Late Fee
Applies on Late Bills. (2nd bill sent)
Past Due Fee
Applies on Past-Due Notices. (3rd bill sent) Last attempt at billing before account is reffered to collections.
Collection Fee
Applies after account is referred to Collections.
Returned Check Fee
Applies if unable to process payment.
Court Fee
$50.00/court filing
$50.00/court filing
Applies on each court filing.

Price Comparisons

The pricing below is based on a two axle vehicle. Processing and mailing fees are included for respective billing methods.

GO-PASS Auto-Bill
or ExpressToll Customers
Go-Pass Customers
with Email Billing
Other Customers
(Mailed Bills)
Main Plaza
$5.50/ trip
$6.50/ trip
$6.50/ trip + Mail Fee
$1.80/ trip
$2.80/ trip
$2.80/ trip + Mail Fee

How to Pay

The Northwest Parkway is an All-Electronic Toll Road, meaning you will not need to stop and pay your tolls at the time of travel, thus increasing convenience and safety. Below are your payment options.

gopass logo
Standard Billing

No registration is needed. Just drive non-stop on the Northwest Parkway and we will mail a bill to the registered owner of the vehicle, at the address obtained from the Department of Motor Vehicles. Payments can be securely and conveniently made online at, by mail or by phone. The bill will include the tolls, plus applicable fees. GO-PASS is an exclusive service of Northwest Parkway. If you travel on other Colorado toll roads you will receive a separate toll bill from ExpressToll.

gopass logo

Take advantage of the discounts and convenience of our GO-PASS Auto-Bill service. Once a month, your accrued unpaid tolls (without fees) are charged to your account using the payment stored on file. With Auto-Bill, there’s no prepaid balance.

  • You save time – your payments are made on-time and automatically.
  • You save money – no processing fees and no postage required for mailing in your payment.

This option is only valid for the Northwest Parkway toll road. Sign-up for Auto-Bill at

ExpressToll Account

Customers can open an ExpressToll account with a $35 prepaid toll balance and will receive a transponder to place inside of the vehicle(s). As you drive any Colorado toll road, the tolls (without fees) will be deducted from your balance. To sign up or learn more about this convenient option please visit

Click here to learn more about the switchable transponders for use in the HOV/Managed Lanes.

Rental Car Info

Toll collection is different depending on the rental car company you are renting from. The Northwest Parkway only collects its tolls and nothing else. Other fees or costs that the rental car companies may charge you are not passed on to the Northwest Parkway.

Please click here to view rental car company policies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Select a category to view.

What’s the difference between Northwest Parkway and E-470?

The Northwest Parkway and E-470 are two entirely separate toll roads, joined together at I-25, north of Denver. Both Northwest Parkway and E-470 use the ExpressToll® prepaid pass system. The same ExpressToll® tags may be used on Northwest Parkway and on E-470, as well as all HOV Lanes in Colorado. If, however, you do not have an ExpressToll® account and you receive a GO-PASS™ bill from Northwest Parkway and a License Plate Toll bill from E470 for your tolls, you must pay each of these bills separately.  E-470 is the toll road that circles the eastern metro Denver area and extends from I-25 in the south at approximately Lincoln Avenue to I-25 in the north between 144th Avenue and State Highway 7.  Northwest Parkway extends from E-470 at I-25 in the north to Highway 36 (the Boulder Turnpike).

Where can I get on the Northwest Parkway?
  • While traveling north/west on E-470, after crossing under the I-25 bridge
  • From I-25, take Exit 228 toward Broomfield
  • From US 36, take the Interlocken Loop exit and head north
  • Sheridan Pwky (just east of Lowell Blvd) going west or east
  • Dillion Rd (directly off HWY 287) going west or east
Why should I have to pay tolls to drive on your road when I pay my taxes?

Northwest Parkway is a fully privately funded road open for public use, should motorists choose to use this toll road.   No federal or state tax dollars went into building the road, or goes into operating, maintaining and improving the road. These costs are paid exclusively by the users of the Parkway from the tolls collected.

Are bicycles allowed on the Northwest Parkway?

No. The high speeds on Northwest Parkway make it an unsafe environment for bicycles or pedestrians.

What is the speed limit?

The speed limit on most of our main road is 75 mph.  However, on the west end of Northwest Parkway, westbound traffic is to reduce their speed to 45 mph before approaching the 96th Street intersection.  This is the one and only traffic signal on the main road of the Parkway where it begins the urban area and slower speeds are required for safety.  On the entrance and exit ramps to the toll road, where there are tolling locations, the speed limit is 35 mph.  All ramps have posted speed limits.

Are motorcycles allowed on the Northwest Parkway?

Yes. ExpressToll® customers who have motorcycles should add their motorcycles to their accounts. Unless the motorcycle is listed and receives its own tag, the customer’s ExpressToll® affiliation will not be recognized, and the customer will receive a GO-PASS™ bill from Northwest Parkway for the toll(s), plus any applicable fees.

Customers of the road who do not have an ExpressToll® account are also welcomed to drive their motorcycles on Northwest Parkway. Motorcycles are treated as any other 2 axle vehicle. 

How do I contact the Northwest Parkway?

Please click here for all of our contact information and hours.

Can I use the “emergency turnarounds” on the toll road?

No.  All the turnarounds are signed as “EMERGENCY and AUTHORIZED VEHICLES ONLY”.  If you are not one of these two types of drivers, you are not allowed to use these turnarounds and will be treated as a traffic offense subject to a fine.  It is extremely dangerous for other drivers to use these turnarounds, and their use is strictly prohibited.

What are your toll rates?

For complete and detailed information on the Northwest Parkway applicable toll rates and fees, including payment options and discounts, please click here.

What if I get on the toll road by mistake? Do I still have to pay the tolls?

Yes. Everyone who travels on the Northwest Parkway must pay the tolls that are due. Signage is installed in advance of entering the tollway to indicate to drivers that they are approaching or about to enter a toll road. There are opportunities after the signage to avoid taking the toll road. If, however, you miss seeing the signs and end up on the toll road by mistake, you are required to pay the tolls and any other applicable fees.

How do I pay for my tolls?

Please click here to view payment options.

As I drove through the tolling area I saw a flash. I think a picture was taken of my vehicle.  Is that a problem?

A picture is taken of every vehicle.  From the license plate number we determine the registered owner of the vehicle, as well as if the vehicle is enrolled in our GO-PASS™ Auto-Bill service, or if the plate number is listed on an active ExpressToll account.  Then, we are able to determine how the toll amount is to be processed/ billed. 

Why have the toll roads in Colorado (Northwest Parkway and E470) closed their tollbooths and gone to non-stop tolling?

Non-stop tolling is safer, more environmentally friendly and convenient. With non-stop tolling you don’t need to slow down in order to pay at the toll booth, and then accelerate again to merge back into traffic.  This not only helps avoid accidents, but it also saves you time and helps your fuel economy by maintaining a consistent speed.

Can I move my ExpressToll® tag from vehicle to vehicle?

No. An ExpressToll® tag is assigned to a specific vehicle/license plate number (LPN). If, for any reason, a tag fails to read properly when going through a toll collection point, the back-up is the vehicle LPN. Our system will take a picture of the LPN and then search through the database to find a match listed on an active ExpressToll® account. If no match for the LPN is found, the system classifies the transaction as a GO-PASS™ transaction and a GO-PASS™ bill will be created for the toll and fees may also apply. Therefore, customers should obtain a tag for each vehicle that they will drive on the toll road. There is no charge for receiving additional tags. All tags listed on an account will draw from the same account balance. You can order your tags online at

I am an ExpressToll® customer. I sold my car and purchased a new vehicle. Do I need to report the change of vehicles?

Yes. It is important that you keep your ExpressToll® account updated with current vehicle/license plate information. If your account is not updated, you will receive a separate GO-PASS™ bill for your Northwest Parkway transactions. You may update your account by calling ExpressToll® Customer Service at 303-537-3470, or you may update the account through the website, at

I am an ExpressToll® customer, but I just got a GO-PASS Bill in the mail from Northwest Parkway.  Why?

The Northwest Parkway accepts ExpressToll® passes as payment for our tolls. If, however, you received a separate bill from us, that could indicate something does not match up with the ExpressToll® account.  Potential causes can be the license plate number is not listed on your account, the license plate number was added to the account after the time the toll occurred or  the credit card used for your ExpressToll® account has expired.  Just give us a call at 303-926-2500 so we can help determine the reason to avoid receiving separate bills from Northwest Parkway in the future.

Why can’t you run the tolls that I was billed for on the GO-PASS Bill through my ExpressToll® account?

Once the separate bill has been created, it needs to be paid separately. When the bill has been paid, and the situation that resulted in the separate billing has been properly resolved, you should not continue to receive bills from Northwest Parkway. Future toll transactions will be paid through your ExpressToll account.

northwest parkway toll booths

Northwest Parkway
3701 Northwest Parkway
Broomfield, CO 80023

Get Driving Directions


Business Hours:
M-F, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Car Troubles?
Call Courtesy Patrol!

5:00 am - 9:00 pm

Northwest Parkway © 2022
Privacy Policy